Katrina Zidichouski

AKA Kairisk! I'm a Character Designer, Illustrator and Freelance Artist. Currently Art Director for Luster Cult LLC, working on our gothic tabletop inspired RPG Blood Rites.

I immensely enjoy developing the look of worlds and especially the characters within those worlds. What kind of ecology would develop? How would these people live and interact with each other? Who are these characters and what are they about? I love to answer these questions with design alone.

I especially thrive in a collaborative team setting. I believe that in working with others, we have an opportunity to create projects with far greater reach and inspiration than on one’s own.

I enjoy travelling to attend networking events like CTNX, Lightbox Expo and monthly WIA mixers (when in LA) to meet other artists and see what's happening in the industry. Currently looking for more involved roles in production, specifically in Character Design. Let's get in touch!